Netflix Is Preparing to Launch Its Own Advertising Platform

Netflix Is Preparing to Launch Its Own Advertising Platform

According to the new information shared by Netflix, which launched its ad-supported model last year; The company will launch its own advertising platform. With this step, it opposes companies with ad servers such as Netflix, Google, Amazon and Comcast. 

If you remember, the company focused on developing its own advertising technology by partnering with Microsoft last year. Netflix began collaborating with Microsoft for its ad-supported subscription model. In this context, marketing teams worked with Microsoft to bring advertising to the Netflix ecosystem. Thus, after a rapid entry into the advertising space, Netflix managed to catch up with competitors such as Hulu, which has its own advertising servers. 

According to the information shared by the company; Netflix's ad-supported tier has reached 40 million monthly global active users. The advertising layer had nearly 5 million users within six months of its launch. In January this year, Netflix's subscription model with advertising reached more than 23 million monthly active users.