OpenAI's New Tool, Sora, Will Generate High-Quality Videos from Text

OpenAI's New Tool, Sora, Will Generate High-Quality Videos from Text

The new artificial intelligence tool introduced by OpenAI, Sora, is designed to generate high-quality videos from text. According to a statement from OpenAI, Sora can create videos up to 60 seconds long while maintaining both visual quality and adherence to user prompts. The level of realism is so high that it's not easy for users to tell whether or not the videos are created by artificial intelligence.

However, Sora has not yet been made available to all users. The reason is that the tool is still in a developmental stage, with efforts being made to identify its capabilities and weaknesses. Nevertheless, the company emphasized that it will soon grant early access permission to several visual artists, designers, and filmmakers.

OpenAI says that before making Sora available as a usable product, some critical security measures need to be taken. The AI model will undergo training to prevent misinformation, spreading hate speech, and creating content that supports biases. Additionally, tools will be developed and released that can identify if a video was created using Sora.