Pleasant Moments When Coca-Cola Spilled

Pleasant Moments When Coca-Cola Spilled

Coca-Cola creates creative work by embracing unexpected human situations related to the brand. For example, it made a splash by adopting works drawn by independent street artists that did not match the Coca-Cola official logo. Its new campaign titled Spills emphasizes the connection between spilling the drink on the floor and happiness. For example, when you meet someone you love, you may forget the Coke bottle in your hand and hug them. The advertisements give the message that there is no need to worry about the drink spilled on the floor at such moments.

Spills, published in the USA and Brazil, contains heart-warming stories such as meeting a friend, cuddling with a pet, and reuniting with family. In all these stories, pouring the drink is portrayed as a very satisfying event. The brand, which usually shows itself as the star of the show, this time takes a more modest stance by prioritizing the connections between people. The campaign is signed by WPP Open X and DAVID Miami.

The slogan of the campaign is worth every drop. The ad underlines that a spilled drink is a small price to pay for these happy moments and reminds us that these surprise bursts of happiness are the “real magic” in life.