Instagram Ends Users' Long Wait!

Instagram Ends Users' Long Wait!

Instagram has finally released a long-awaited feature. The social media giant has updated the "Close Friends" feature to be usable not only in stories but also in post sharing.

The "Close Friends" option, which has been present in the stories section for a long time, allows users to show their content only to selected individuals. This feature can now also be used for post-sharing. During the process of sharing a post, after following the steps, the "Audience" section will contain "Everyone" and "Close Friends" options. Users will have the ability to make their content exclusive to individuals on their "Close Friends" list rather than opening it to the general audience.

To further personalize this feature, users can manage individuals added to or removed from the "Close Friends" list through the Settings menu. However, whether Instagram's other application, Threads, will incorporate this feature remains a topic of curiosity.

Instagram's new feature allows users to share their content in a more exclusive manner, which is seen as a significant step in personalizing the platform experience further.